Jobs in Ireland For Foreigners 2022

Jobs in Ireland For Foreigners

While looking for a job in Ireland, foreign nationals should be aware of the requirements for a work visa. They should also be aware of the common occupations that are available in the country. In this article, we’ll discuss how to get a work visa in Ireland and how to find a job without a PPS number.

Job openings in Ireland

Regardless of your nationality, there are many job openings for foreigners in Ireland. There are plenty of opportunities in many industries, including the service industry. Most of these jobs pay at least minimum wage. However, if you’re looking for a higher salary, you should consider the booming finance, tech, and engineering industries.

Applying for jobs in Ireland is fairly straightforward and can start even before you arrive. Job search websites are an excellent way to get a head start, especially if you’re looking for a specific area or company. The government’s Intreo Centre also offers help with job searching and advertises local vacancies. Social media can also prove useful in the job hunting process. LinkedIn and Facebook are excellent places to look for opportunities.

Jobs in Ireland For Foreigners 2022
Jobs in Ireland For Foreigners 2022

Job seekers should also make sure that their CVs and resumes are up to date. These documents should include their contact details, education, and employment history. They should also include any relevant skills and interests. Some job hunters will also tailor their approach to each company, writing an individually tailored cover letter.

Requirements to get a work visa in Ireland

If you are looking for a job in Ireland, you must apply for an employment permit before you can get started. There are a few different types of employment permits available to foreign workers. An Irish General Employment Permit allows foreign workers to work in Ireland as long as they are employed in a job that pays EUR30,000 per year or more. To obtain an Irish General Employment Permit, you must first apply for a job that offers you the opportunity to earn that much.


Before you can apply for an Irish work permit, you must have a signed employment contract and current resume. You must also have a registered immigration stamp, as well as a letter from your prospective employer. IDA and Enterprise Ireland can provide you with letters of support for your application. Additionally, your employer will need to provide you with information about your job, including your name, your job title, and your contact information, such as email and telephone numbers.



You will need to submit a work permit application through the Employment Permits Online System (EPOS) to get an Ireland work permit. You will also need to submit a certificate of your English language proficiency, which is an important part of the work permit process. You must also score a certain number of bands on your IELTS test in order to qualify. If you fail to meet these requirements, you will have to wait another three months before you can apply again.

Common occupations in Ireland

The most common occupations in Ireland are farming, sales and retail jobs, and healthcare professions. According to the latest census report by the Central Statistics Office, sales and retail workers make up the largest proportion of the workforce, with 90,746 people employed in this sector. The second-most common occupation is farming, with 53,910 workers employed in this category. Other common occupations include care workers, nurses, and administrators. Primary and nursery school teachers occupy the fourth-most positions, with 41,654 working in this field.

Jobs in Ireland For Foreigners 2022
Jobs in Ireland For Foreigners 2022

In terms of employment prospects, healthcare is one of the most popular industries in Ireland for foreigners. Its growing economy is expected to create a number of new jobs for foreign nationals, including doctors, nurses, and medical technicians. The country also faces a skills shortage in some fields, including radiologists, opticians, and social workers.

Irish workers tend to be very welcoming and accommodating towards foreigners. However, they are not known for being punctual, so you should be on time for your business meetings, and be sure to allow plenty of time to make travel arrangements. The best way to greet your Irish counterpart is with a firm handshake. Workplace dress code varies from company to company, but is typically modest and businesslike.

Getting a job in Ireland without a PPS number

If you’re a foreigner looking to take up a job in Ireland, you may be wondering what the requirements are for getting a PPS number. First, you must register with the Revenue Commissioners. This registration gives employers information about how much tax they must deduct from your salary. If you don’t register, you’ll face emergency tax bills and overpayments.

Jobs in Ireland For Foreigners 2022
Jobs in Ireland For Foreigners 2022

A PPS number is a unique reference number assigned to each legal Irish resident. This number is used for banking and tax purposes. It’s mandatory for people who work in Ireland to have one in order to avoid tax issues. However, if you don’t have a PPS number, you can still find a job in Ireland. Just make sure you inform your employer that you’re looking to get a PPS number when you start working in Ireland.

While working in Ireland is possible for people from the European Economic Area, you should be aware that opening a bank account can be a lengthy process. To avoid any unnecessary delays, it’s recommended to bring 2 forms of photo ID with you, including your passport or drivers license. Additionally, you should also bring proof of address, such as utility bills. It can take up to three days to open an account. If you’re working in an environment where you can’t open a bank account, it’s advisable to have some cash on hand so that you can pay bills in time.



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