JOB Hiring in Taiwan Visa Sponsorship Program

JOB Hiring in Taiwan Visa Sponsorship Program











If you are interested in working in Taiwan, you can apply for a Job Hiring in Taiwan visa sponsorship. This type of visa is different from a regular work visa. This type of visa is only valid for one entry and has more strict requirements than a normal work visa. The American Institute in Taiwan sponsors this program. The application process for this visa is simple.

Work permit is a work and residence permit

When working in Taiwan, it is essential that you obtain a work permit. You can apply for a work permit online or at a local WDA office. The work permit is valid for six months and can be extended up to three years if you meet the required requirements. The process for applying for a work permit varies from case to case and varies depending on the specific circumstances.

JOB Hiring in Taiwan Visa Sponsorship Program
JOB Hiring in Taiwan Visa Sponsorship Program

Work permits in Taiwan are granted to foreign nationals who have a legal right to work in the country. To apply for one, you must be employed in Taiwan by an overseas company and have a valid ARC or re-entry permit. Foreign nationals can obtain a work permit even if they have not graduated from a higher institution in Taiwan.

In addition to obtaining a work permit, you must also get an Alien Residence Certificate, which is a temporary residence certificate issued by the Ministry of Labor. This document is required for foreign workers who want to stay in Taiwan for more than three months.

It is valid for a single entry

The application process for the JOB HIRIN IN TAIWAN visa is straightforward and only requires a few documents. If all your documents are prepared, you should be able to complete the application in 15 minutes. The first step is to create an account with the Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform (FPOAP). After you’ve registered and set up a password, you’ll be able to login and enter the required information. Once you’ve completed all of the fields, you can then save and change any information you’d like before submitting your application.

JOB Hiring in Taiwan Visa Sponsorship Program
JOB Hiring in Taiwan Visa Sponsorship Program

The second step is to obtain a work permit. For foreign nationals between the ages of 18-30, the work permit is valid for six months. If you intend to work in Taiwan for longer than six months, you’ll need a resident visa. A resident visa requires that you have an immediate family member who is a Taiwanese citizen or that you have a job in Taiwan sponsored by an employer in Taiwan. The resident visa is usually valid for three months and is a single entry visa.

Applicants must have relevant documentary proof that they have sufficient funds to cover their living expenses in Taiwan. The documents can be in the form of a Police Clearance Certificate or a Certificate of Good Conduct. If you have sufficient funds to cover your costs while in Taiwan, you can submit a bank statement or other equivalent document.


Job Hiring in Taiwan is more restrictive than a regular work visa sponsorship in some ways. Upon arrival in Taiwan, foreign workers must undergo a medical examination before they can start work. This examination can be performed at the local Center for Disease Control. If the medical examination is clear, foreign workers can work under the employment of a Taiwanese company. Employers must then take further steps within three days of receiving the applicant’s ARC, including applying for labor insurance coverage with the Bureau of Labor Insurance.

JOB Hiring in Taiwan Visa Sponsorship Program
JOB Hiring in Taiwan Visa Sponsorship Program

Job Hiring in Taiwan is more stringent than a regular work visa sponsorship because the Taiwan government will only issue the visa to a certain category of workers. For example, school teachers must apply to the Ministry of Education to work in Taiwan. The salary of these teachers cannot be less than the average monthly salary determined by the central competent authority. In addition, job seekers must demonstrate that they will be able to pay the salary they are seeking in Taiwan.


While Taiwan’s Job Hiring process is slightly more stringent than a work visa sponsorship, it is not impossible. Obtaining a job in Taiwan is a complex process, and the right steps will make it easier. If you are planning on expanding your business in Taiwan, a work visa sponsorship is a critical part of the process. The Taiwan government has many regulations concerning immigration and the work visa, and a job visa is required for every employee.

It is issued by the American Institute in Taiwan

AIT’s public diplomacy program focuses on reaching out to Taiwan’s local citizens and has engaged in anti-disinformation campaigns. The recent disinformation campaigns in Taiwan have included attempts to influence elections and the spreading of misleading COVID-19 information. The AIT’s social media has been instrumental in reaching out to the Taiwanese public. Here are some of its recent efforts:

JOB Hiring in Taiwan Visa Sponsorship Program
JOB Hiring in Taiwan Visa Sponsorship Program

The Institute performs consular and other agency functions in Taiwan under a contract with the State Department. In addition, it provides travel-related services for American citizens. Moreover, it has agreements with various government entities and conducts trade shows. It is the largest diplomatic presence in Taiwan.

Despite the tense situation in Taiwan, the U.S. government has tried to encourage Taiwan’s participation at international events. Moreover, the AIT has taken advantage of the Global Cooperation and Training Framework to promote international cooperation with Taiwan.




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