Job in Singapore For Foreigners 2022
When applying for a job in Singapore, foreigners must be aware of the language barriers. Hence, writing a Singapore CV that highlights your skills is critical. A Singapore CV should include career objective, links to your portfolio, and relevant work experience. It is also important to make sure that your CV does not contain basic IT skills or computer experience from over five years ago. An expatriate’s CV should also highlight cultural sensitivity and adaptability. It is also important to write the CV in the main language of the company. If necessary, an expat can engage a professional translator through InterNations GO!
Jobs Bank
The Singapore Ministry of Manpower has widened the net for employers seeking to hire foreigners under Employment Passes. It has increased the minimum salary requirement for “S Pass” work visas from S$4,400 to S$3,300 per month, and it plans to increase the threshold over the next two years. The move is aimed at ensuring that the local workforce gets fair representation in job opportunities.

To apply for a job in Singapore, you should first apply for a valid work permit. Then, look for roles that match your experience and skill set. Once you have done so, build a network of contacts and set up alerts for desired roles. You should also conduct thorough research on the job market in Singapore.
Searching for jobs online is a great way to find a job in Singapore. You can easily search by job title, location, education level, salary range, and more. You can also customize your search by filtering out jobs that are exclusively for Singaporeans. This will make it easier to narrow your search and get the best match.

If you’re looking for a job in Singapore, STJobs is the place to go. The site has a comprehensive database of jobs and has a wide range of industries. You can browse job listings without having to create an account. You can also post your resume online and search for opportunities.
An EntrePass is a work permit that allows foreigners to start a business and live in Singapore. The programmer is open to experienced investors, innovators, and entrepreneurs with a proven track record. It requires that an applicant have a private limited company registered with ACRA and be a foreign national. The company must also be less than six months old and must be venture-backed.
To apply for an EntrePass, foreigners need to submit an application form, the required documents, and pay the application fee. If approved, they will receive an in-principle approval letter from the Ministry of Manpower. After this, they should register with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). After registering with the ACRA, they should receive their EntrePass. They must then register fingerprints and photos within two weeks.
Newspapers JOBS
It is not easy for a foreign newspaper to operate in Singapore, especially if they are run by foreigners. It is difficult to gain a steady flow of subscriptions, and the government has used various weapons to discourage foreign newspapers. Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew has attacked the content of some newspapers, while current Prime Minister Goh Chok Thong has criticised their style and tone. It has also threatened libel lawsuits against them.

The Singapore Press Holdings owns the local daily newspapers in Singapore. The company issues daily newspapers and other periodicals, and has a monopoly on the market. It publishes several periodicals, including the daily Straits Times and the Chinese newspaper Shin Min Daily. Other publications include the Malay-language Berita Harian and the English-language The New Paper.
Qualification for a work permit
If you’re interested in working in Singapore, you need to qualify for a work permit. This is a temporary immigration permit that you can renew once every six to eight weeks. The maximum duration of a work permit is 24 months. There are a few factors to consider when applying for a work permit.
If you don’t have any skills, but want to work in Singapore, you must first qualify for a temporary work permit. These visas allow you to work in Singapore for a specific number of days (including weekends and public holidays). You can also apply for a temporary work permit with an immigration visa. This type of immigration permit is meant for unskilled, semi-skilled, and casual workers.
Salary range
In a recent government speech, Singapore Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung revealed the median salary range for foreigners in Singapore. While it may be lower than salaries in the United States, it is still very competitive in Asia, and should allow a foreigner to support a family. In addition to the comparatively higher salary, Singapore has a very competitive cost of living. The average monthly household income in Singapore is approximately S$5,000, and is enough to support a family of two.
The salary range for foreigners in Singapore depends on the sector you work in. Engineers with management experience are in high demand and can earn close to S$200,000 per annum. Quality control managers are in high demand in Singapore as well. These professionals are responsible for ensuring that products comply with government regulations and compliance policies.