Malta is one of the countries with the highest employment rate, making it a great place to work. But before you apply for a job in Malta, you should know the requirements. You will need to submit a resume and provide a certificate of your education and experience. If you are a foreigner, you should also submit a copy of your passport. And, if you are a resident of another country, you will need a work permit or residency permit.
Job requirements for a factory worker in Malta
The average salary for a factory worker in Malta is EUR13,598 a year or EUR7 per hour, depending on education level. The salary range is EUR10,321 – EUR15,828 per year. The most common educational level for a factory worker is less than a HS degree, while a foreign degree can be a big advantage.

Applicants should visit Malta on a tourist visa and try to contact potential employers directly. This will allow them to make connections on the spot. They can also make use of friends and relatives who may already be living in Malta. It is essential to know good English, but Maltese or Italian skills may also come in handy. Other important requirements for employment include qualifications, experience, and skills. A degree from a British or Italian university is a big plus.
The average salary of a factory worker in Malta is EUR3,220 per month, but this is lower than the average salary of EUR31,824 for bachelor’s degree holders. Of course, the salary of a factory worker in Malta will depend on experience and educational level, but there is no minimum or maximum salary.

As a factory worker in Malta, you will need to possess excellent English and Maltese language skills. You should also be able to follow written instructions and make simple calculations. You should also be able to work in a production line. The minimum wage for a factory worker in Malta is EUR4,800 a year.
Getting a work visa or residency permit before looking for a job in Malta
Malta is a popular location for expatriates to find work. It has a rich culture and a stable political climate. In addition, Malta is one of the few Schengen states with good economic growth. The country has one of the world’s strongest banks. You can join this club by opening a bank account in Malta. Malta also has a high quality of life and offers free education and healthcare. The climate is warm, with the coldest months being January.

Malta is part of the EU Schengen Area, the largest visa-free zone in the world. As a result, you can apply for a Malta ID card after 90 days. However, if you’re from another EU country, you’ll need a work visa or residency permit before you can search for a job in Malta.
You can also apply for a work permit if you’re a citizen of the EU or a member of the Schengen area. If you’re an EU Blue Card holder, you will be given special consideration in the application process. You’ll also need to be a highly qualified professional and have a salary of at least 1.5 times the average wage in Malta. Furthermore, if you are a Swiss national or a citizen of the European Economic Area, you can apply for Qualifying Employment in Innovation and Creativity.
Malta has a wide range of industries and professions. Its economy is growing and there’s plenty of opportunity to find a job in this region. If you’re an IT professional, a medical practitioner, a financial analyst, or an accountant, you’re sure to find a suitable position in Malta. Many industries hire entry-level positions for new workers. These positions can be a stepping stone to a more permanent role.